In This Post Find all Details About the Top 100 KCSE results 2024 Kenya per county pdf For 2023/2024, Top 100 KCSE results 2024 top 100 schools, Top 100 KCSE results 2024 per county, Top 100 KCSE results 2024 pdf, Top 100 KCSE results 2024 Kenya, top schools in KCSE 2024 per county.

Steps to Check KCSE Results 2023

Checking KCSE Results 2023 is a simple process that involves accessing the KNEC portal and entering your index number. Here are the steps to follow:

Accessing the KNEC Portal

  1. Open your laptop or mobile web browser.
  2. In the address bar, type “” and press enter.
  3. On the homepage, click on the “2023 Online Result Slip” option.

Entering Your Index Number

  1. Once you have accessed the KCSE results portal, you will be prompted to enter your index number.
  2. Type in your index number in the space provided.
  3. Click on the “Submit” button.

List Of Top 100 Schools Nationally In KCSE Exams With Mean Scores 2024

1 NYAMBARIA SCHOOL 10.897 NYANZA Nyamira A-{minus}
2 CARDINAL OTUNGA 10.76 NYANZA Kisii A-{minus}
3 Kokuro Boys 10.68 NYANZA Migori A-{minus}
4 ALLIANCE GIRLS 10.52 Central Kiambu A-{minus}
5 ST Brigids Girls High KIMININI 10.5 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia A-{minus}
6 Strathmore School 10.5 Nairobi Nairobi A-{minus}
7 PANGANI GIRLS 10.49 Nairobi Nairobi B+{plus}
8 NAKURU BOYS HIGH 10.42 Rift Valley Nakuru B+{plus}
9 ASUMBI GIRLS 10.377 NYANZA Homa Bay B+{plus}
10 Mang’u High 10.336 Central Kiambu B+{plus}
11 St. Anthonys Boys Kitale 10.33 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia B+{plus}
12 GONZAGA GONZA 10.3 NYANZA Nyamira B+{plus}
13 Mudasa Academy 10.3 WESTERN Vihiga B+{plus}
14 ST. PAULS IGONGA 10.24 NYANZA Kisii B+{plus}
15 Igonga DOK Secondary 10.24 NYANZA Kisii B+{plus}
16 Alliance High School 10.2 Central Kiambu B+{plus}
17 Moi High School Kabarak 10.13 Rift Valley Nakuru B+{plus}
18 Kapsabet High 10.083 Rift Valley Nandi B+{plus}
19 Kisumu Day Secondary 10.074 NYANZA kisumu B+{plus}
20 Moi Girls Eldoret 10.06 Rift Valley Uasin Gishu B+{plus}
21 KANGA HIGH 9.97 NYANZA Migori B+{plus}
22 KAAGA GIRLS 9.96 Central meru B+{plus}
23 Kenya High School 9.95 Nairobi Nairobi B+{plus}
24 Matinyani Secondary 9.942 Eastern Kitui B+{plus}
25 St Brigids Girls High 9.92 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia B+{plus}
26 ORERO BOYS 9.906 NYANZA Homa Bay B+{plus}
27 Light Academy Mombasa 9.9 Coast Mombasa B+{plus}
28 Samoei Boys High 9.89 Rift Valley Nandi B+{plus}
29 CHEPWAGAN BOYS 9.7474 Rift Valley Kericho B+{plus}
30 Chebwagan high 9.74 Rift Valley Kericho B+{plus}
31 MASENO SCHOOL 9.663 NYANZA Kisumu B+{plus}
32 Ogande Girls 9.62 NYANZA Homa Bay B+{plus}
33 Sawagongo High 9.619 NYANZA Siaya B+{plus}
34 Kagumo High 9.58 Central Nyeri B+{plus}
35 Murang’a High 9.55 Central Murang’a B+{plus}
36 Nairobi School 9.543 Nairobi Nairobi B+{plus}
37 MARANDA SCHOOL 9.541 NYANZA Siaya B+{plus}
38 Nyakongo boys 9.54 NYANZA Nyamira B+{plus}
39 MERU SCHOOL 9.52 Central Meru B+{plus}
40 ST PATRICKS MAKUNGA 9.5 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia B+{plus}
41 Cheborge Boys 9.44 Rift Valley Kericho B{plain}
42 Bishop Linus Okok girls 9.43 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
43 Light Academy Nairobi 9.39 Nairobi Nairobi B{plain}
44 CHEBORGE GIRLS 9.3754 Rift Valley Kericho B{plain}
45 Korongoi Girls 9.36 Rift Valley Kericho B{plain}
46 Lelwak boys 9.344 Rift Valley Nandi B{plain}
47 KIPSIGIS GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL 9.3154 Rift Valley Kericho B{plain}
48 Kitui School 9.312 Eastern Kitui B{plain}
49 Nyalenda Secondary 9.3 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
50 Butula Boys 9.287 WESTERN Busia B{plain}
51 MOBAMBA HIGH 9.284 NYANZA Kisii B{plain}
52 Sigoti Complex 9.27 NYANZA Kisumu B{plain}
53 STAREHE BOYS CENTRE 9.27 Nairobi Nairobi B{plain}
54 ST.MARKS CHERANG’ANI 9.2517 WESTERN Tranz Nzoia B{plain}
55 Friends School Kakamega 9.2473 WESTERN Kakamega B{plain}
56 Mt Carmel girls 9.2353 Eastern Makueni B{plain}
57 MaryHill Girls 9.23 Central Kiambu B{plain}
58 Kiage Tumaini High 9.23 NYANZA Kisii B{plain}
59 Saye Mixed 9.22 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
60 Kabianga High 9.2162 Rift Valley Kericho B{plain}
61 Moi Tea Girls High School 9.21 Rift Valley Kericho B{plain}
62 OSSEN GIRLS HIGH 9.2 Rift Valley Baringo B{plain}
63 ST MARKS CHERANGANY 9.2 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia B{plain}
64 MBITA HIGH 9.157 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
65 KATHIANI GIRLS HIGH 9.1235 Eastern Machakos B{plain}
66 KISII SCHOOL 9.12 NYANZA Kisii B{plain}
67 MWONGORI HIGH 9.119 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
68 KUURA SEC 9.11 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
69 St Clare Girls Secondary 9.1 Rift Valley Nakuru B{plain}
70 ANDERSEN HIGH 9.1 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia B{plain}
72 St Pauls Gekano Boys 9.0634 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
73 NYANSIONGO HIGH 9.053 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
74 WANG’APALA BOYS 9.04 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
75 Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed 9 Coast Mombasa B{plain}
76 RIGOKO ELCK 9 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
77 Kapsabet Girls 8.98 Rift Valley Nandi B{plain}
78 Metkei Girls High 8.96 Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet B{plain}
79 AGORO SARE 8.935 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
80 Kibabii Boys High 8.93 WESTERN Bungoma B{plain}
81 Mbooni Girls 8.911 Eastern Makueni B{plain}
82 MENYENYA SDA 8.871 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
83 Ruth Kiptui Girls Kasok 8.87 Rift Valley Baringo B{plain}
84 Moteiribe Secondary 8.859 NYANZA Kisii B{plain}
85 KEBIRIGO BOYS 8.842 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
86 Arabuko Forest High 8.84 Coast Kilifi B{plain}
87 Nyamagwa girls 8.823 NYANZA Kisii B{plain}
88 RUTH KIPTUI GIRLS 8.8 Rift Valley Baringo B{plain}
89 ST JOSEPHS BOYS 8.8 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia B{plain}
90 Meteitei Secondary 8.77 Rift Valley Nandi B{plain}
91 Qubaa Muslim Secondary 8.76 Coast Mombasa B{plain}
92 OLOOLAISER HIGH SCHOOL 8.76 Rift Valley Kajiado B{plain}
93 TENWEK HIGH SCHOOL 8.7561 Rift Valley Bomet B{plain}
94 BUTERE GIRLS 8.727 WESTERN Kakamega B{plain}
95 NYAIKURO MIXED SEC 8.71 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
96 Got Rateng’ Mixed 8.7 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
97 Chemelil Sugar Academy 8.69 NYANZA Kisumu B{plain}
98 LUGULU GIRLS 8.655 WESTERN Bungoma B{plain}
99 St Andrew Kaggwa Girls High 8.648 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
100 NYABURURU GIRLS 8.631 NYANZA Kisii B{plain}
101 NYAKOIBA HIGH 8.6 NYANZA Kisii B{plain}
102 Ober Boys 8.6 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
103 Nyangajo Girls 8.6 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
104 Dr Aggrey School 8.6 Coast Taita Taveta B

List Of Top 100 Schools In KCSE 2023 – 2024 Results 

  1. Kabarak 10.4
  2. Kenya High 9.9
  3. St Antonys Boys Kitale 9.8
  4. Chemelil Academy 9.8
  5. St.PetersBWAO(migori) 9.7
  6. Maranda 9.6
  7. Maseno School 9.5
  8. Alliance High 9.5
  9. Mangu 9.5
  10. Kabsabet 9.5
  11. Rigena 9.5
  12. Friends Sch(Kamusinga) 9.3
  13. Orero Boys 9.3
  14. Tenwek 9.3
  15. Tonga 9.3
  16. Nyalaenda Mixed (hbay) 9.3
  17. Mbita 9.2
  18. Kanga 9.2
  19. Butere 9.1
  20. Bunyore 9.1
  21. Rangala Girls 9.0
  22. Lugulu 9.0
  23. Muthale 9.0
  24. St Charles Lwanga(kitui) 8.95 Kisii School 8.95
  25. Kitui School 8.9
  26. Meru 8.9
  27. Saye Mixed 8.9
  28. Magena 8.9
  29. Oyugi Ogango 8.8
  30. St Timons Rabondo 8.7 Wangapala 8.7
  31. Sawagongo 8.6
  32. Nyansiongo 8.6
  33. Sameta 8.6
  34. Ugenya 8.55
  35. Agoro Sare 8.5
  36. Bishop odera Agongo(Awendo) 8.5
  37. Kamagambo Adve 8.4
  38. Nyaburudu 8.4
  39. Kebirigo 8.4
  40. Asumbi 8.36
  41. Rapogi Boys 8.2
  42. Masara mixed(Migori) 8.0
  43. Gendia 8.0
  44. Oriwo 7.9
  45. Moi Girls(sindo) 7.7
  46. Sigoti 7.7
  47. St Edwards Nyabioto 7.7
  48. Nyahera Girls 7.6
  49. Riokindo 7.6
  50. Ogande Girls 7.4
  51. Nduru 7.4
  52. Nyaondo Boys 7.3
  53. Kereri 7.2
  54. St Marys Yala 7.1
  55. Homabay high 7.1
  56. Ramba 7.1
  57. Kakimba Mixed mfangano 7.1
  58. Lwak Girls 7.0
  59. Nyamasare Girls 6.1
  60. Otieno Oyoo 6.05

List Of Top 50 Schools KCSE 2022.

1.Nyambaria High School – 10.89
2.Cardinal Otunga High School – 10.76
3.Asumbi Girls High School – 10.371
4.Mangu High School – 10.36
5.St Antony’s Boys High School – 10.33
6.Mudasia Academy – 10.3
7.St Paul Igonga Dok Secondary – 10.24
8.Alliance High School – 10.2
9.Moi High School Kabarak – 10.13
10.Kapsabet Boys High School – 10.1
11.Kanga High School – 9.97
12.Kenya High School – 9.95
13.St Paul’s Gekano Boys – 9.95
14.Matinyani Secondary School – 9.94
15.St Brigid’s Girls High School – 9.92
16.Orero High School – 9.9
17.Samoei Boys Secondary School – 9.89
18.Chebwagan High School – 9.74
19.Maseno School – 9.64
20.Ogande Girls High School – 9.62
21.Sawagongo High School – 9.61
22.Kagumo High School – 9.57
23.Murang’a High School – 9.55
24.Nyakongo Boys High School – 9.54
25.Nairobi School – 9.54
26.Maranda School – 9.54
27.Cheborgei Boys High School – 9.44
28.Light Academy Nairobi – 9.39
29.Korongoi Girls – 9.36
30.Mobamba High School – 9.28
31.Friends School Kamusinga – 9.24
32.Maryhill Girls High School – 9.23
33.Saye Mixed Secondary School – 9.22
34.Kabianga High School – 9.22
35.Kabianga School – 9.21
36.Moi Tea Girls School – 9.21
37.Mbita High School – 9.2
38.Kisii School – 9.12
39.St Clare Girls Secondary School – 9.1
40.St Kizito Nyansiongo Boys – 9.05
41.Kapsabet Girls – 8.98
42.Metkei Girls High School – 8.96
43.Agoro Sare – 8.93
44.St Mary’s Kibabi Boys High School – 8.93
45.Ruth Kaptui Girls High School Kasok – 8.87
46.Meteitei Secondary School – 8.77

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